About The Fungi Files

If you’re reading this and you’re from the Caribbean, then you understand our love for fungi! If you’re reading this and you’re not from the Caribbean, then you’re probably wondering – what the heck is fungi? While this blog is not about food, let’s get clear and briefly explain this for everyone involved.

Fungi (foon-jee) is a cornmeal dumpling served in Caribbean cuisine. Often served with soup or fish, it’s harty, easy to make, and (oh yea) delicious. When I think of the Caribbean I often think of fungi and the wonderful comforts of home. As the region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, islands, and the surrounding coasts, the Caribbean is living Diaspora of culture and history. Much like the history of many cultures, food plays an important role. However, what binds us as Caribbean people is our love for our region. We love our people, our music, our traditions – and yes we love our food.

The Fungi Files is an online community for Caribbean Expats. We share news, opinions, lifestyle trends, recipes and music. There is always something new in the Caribbean. Here is where we come together and share.

The first question I usually get when I introduce myself as a Caribbean expat is – “Why did you leave the Caribbean.” My number one answer has been – “Why not? The world could use more Caribbean folks like us.” Whether you’re a peeker, a seeker...a friend or a brethren, we look forward to you getting to know you too.

What better way to bring us together than over some fungi? ***